Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Crazy weather, bad day...

So, today here in Boulder we had some interesting weather...High was around 90 degrees, which led to the usual afternoon thunderstorm, and the, I hope unusual, 30 minute hailstorm. It was 90 degrees today and now there are spots with 6 inches of hail still piled up. The bad day part is that apparently really hot car interiors plus suddenly freezing windshields tends to lead to cracking, in my case a nice 12 inch crack. I took pictures of it all, but at the moment I seem to have lost my USB cable for my camera, so the bad day continues. On the bright side we built some more walls today and we didn't have as many volunteers, so I got to do more of the work myself instead of just having to supervise. Oh, and I crushed Mike Heaton in disc golf the other day when he was out here, but then we both lost a disc, so I guess that wasn't good either. Oh and feel free to comment on here ya all, it provides emotional reassurance that I'm not just talking to myself when I write these things, which would be depressing in a way. That's all I got.


Carolyn Quist said...

So sad! At least some of the hail didn't pound a hole through your windshield too. I'm sure today will be better...

Anonymous said...

sad face... hope today shows improvement :)

Aaron Friedel said...

Sorry to hear about your day. Guess that's what you get for being able to hike up a mountain whenever you want. That must be rough.

Aidan misses his uncle Chris and says hello. Amy does too.

Mike Heaton said...

Has Van Sickel actually won a round since Heaton formally moved out there?