Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Ace #1 on left, #2 on right, feel free to call Mike on #2 to confirm it:)

The Destroyer I had actually just bought to replace one I had thrown into a lake earlier in the day...worked out nicely though.

Site of first ace at Johnny Roberts Memorial DGC

Basket straight ahead

Site of #2 and #3

Basket straight ahead through trees, actually sets up nice for my sidearm throw.

#3 in the basket when I got up there

When I got to being up 56 shots on Mike on the year, that started to lose much meaning...so moved on to trying to get a hole in one. Would have been good with one, but ended up getting three last week. Probably should have bought a lotto ticket with that kind of luck. Probably won't be playing as much anymore, still fun and all, but have covered all the goals I really had for that, next up, who knows, might pick up my guitar again and start playing again on a regular basis. Basketball and dodgeball season is starting up again, so trying to find teams for that.

Sister Carrie was out here a couple weeks ago, stopped by on way back from Yellowstone, sucks that they only were here a day, but had lots of fun. Caught the first half of the Iowa/Maine football game, played some sand volleyball, and went downtown in attempt to go to a pub quiz, only to find the bar taken over by Missouri fans watching their football game, and then instead grabbing some food and drinks at the Celtic then heading home for some Wii action.

Yep, that's Carrie

Wish I had kept rolling to the end. She may seem sweet, but has violent tendencies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't even understand the Ace thing. You and your games!